One Health: Scientists advocate for the inclusion of soil microbiomes for a holistic approach

The One Health approach considers a close link between the health of all living organisms and aims to bring them into a sustainable balance. However, the smallest organisms living in the soil, the so-called soil microbiome, have been largely ignored in this approach so far. This is what researchers aim to change now. In a commentary in the renowned journal Nature Microbiology, they argue for the inclusion of the soil microbiome as a future key component for the One Health approach.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

The fascinating microbiome: “We are planet Earth for micro-organisms”

When you hear the word microbiome, the chances are you will think of the gut. But the microbiome is so much more, namely the total of all microorganisms living on and in the human body. Skin, lungs or the digestive system, the mouth, throat, nose or the genital tract: they are all home to tiny living organisms such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. When the balance is correct, they are beneficial to human health. But what does the ideal microbiome look like? And what influence do quintillions of invisible organisms have on human health and disease?

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

A journey across generations – Inheritance of the plant microbiome via the seed

What defines us and other living organisms more strongly: genes or the environment? Only recently, researchers were able to prove experimentally that even microorganisms can be inherited from one plant generation to the next via the seed. In an article just published open access in the journal ‚Trends in Microbiology‘, scientists examine the process of microbial inheritance via the seed in more detail and identify factors that significantly influence the assembly of the plant microbiome. With their basic work, the authors create an important milestone of microbiome research.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Implications of quantum metabolism and natural selection for the origin of cancer cells and tumor progression

Energy transfer in material solids is driven primarily by differences in intensive thermodynamic quantities such as pressure and temperature. The crucial observation  in quantum-theoretical models was the consideration of the heat capacity as associated with the vibrations of atoms in a crystalline solid. However, living organisms are essentially isothermal. Because of very little differences in temperature between different parts of a cell it is assumed that energy flow in living organisms is mediated by differences in the turnover time of various metabolic processes in the cell, which occur in cyclical fashion. It has been shown that the cycle time of these metabolic processes is related to the metabolic rate, that is the rate at which the organism transforms the free energy of whatever source into metabolic work, maintenance of constant temperature and structuraland functional organization of the cells. Quantum Metabolism exploits the methodology of the quantum theory of solids to provide a molecular level which derives new rules relating metabolic rate and body size.

Davies P, Lloyd A, Demetrius LA, Tuszynski, JA (2012) Implications of quantum metabolism and natural selection for the origin of cancer cells and tumor progression. Citation: AIP Advances 2, 011101 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3697850

Einstein A (1920), Schallausbreitung in teilweise dissozieirten Gasen

Einstein A (1924) Quantentheorie des einatomigen, idealen Gases